Saturday 9 March 2013

Interview questions and how to tackle them! #2

Work Experience Questions
With regards to this question, to make this question easier to answer in your interview, I would advise that you make it easier for yourself by writing specific aspects of your work experience that you feel you can talk well about in your personal statement.
How do you do this?
Write 'stories of particular incidents you witnessed'
For example, you can say you witnessed how a doctor reassured a patient. The possible questions that then could be asked from there would be: What have you learnt from that?What aspects of a doctor do you think are important  for him/her to succeed in his/her career? What are your feelings on how the doctor handled the patient? If you were in the doctor's shoes, what would you have done?
The questions become very specific so it makes you preparation much easier!
If you list everything that you've done, instead on going slightly 'in depth' you will then have a lot to prepare for and it then becomes very difficult for you to predict what questions could possibly come out!

Some common questions with regards to your work experience would be:
Your feelings/thoughts on particular events
What have you learnt from ______/ How do you think this will make you a better a doctor?
What is the most memorable thing from your work experience?
Who do you think is the leader in a healthcare team?
Why do you think ______ is an important of the team?/What is the role of a _(Doctor/nurse/physiotherapists)_ ?
What would you have done differently?
Do you think this is something that is common?
Ethical questions(depending if you have hinted on them in you PS)

Conclusion: This question would usually largely depend on what had been written in your personal statement so plan beforehand!

If you have any questions you would like to suggest I blog about, email me @ !

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