Tuesday 19 March 2013

Interview questions and how to tackle them! #3

Why Medicine and not another course?(nursing/biomedical science)

For this question , you have to think over your answer carefully.
Personally, I found this question a bit tricky especially now when nurses take on quite a lot of roles that has traditionally been taken up by junior doctors!
Personally, my approach to this question is to say how i witnessed the difference of the role of a doctor and a nurse during my work experience and why i think the doctor's role is something i want more.
Don't forget to reflect on why you say some things!
For example, if you say: I prefer taking up the role of a doctor because it involves more of a decision making role.
Don't just stop there! It would sound better if you link it to past experiences.
Like: From past experiences in working in a team , I think I enjoy and am quite suited for the role of a decision maker. For instance, when I was working with a group of classmates to come up with an idea for a community project, we came up with many ideas. However, with so many ideas, it made it very difficult for us to meet the dateline when we have to come up with a proposal for submission. In the end , i decided to take up the role of a leader and drew up a list of pros and cons for the ideas and presented it to my group mates. We were then able to swiftly come to a conclusion.
Something like that.(This is not the best)

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