Saturday 2 March 2013

Different Course Structures

There are 3 different types of course structures here in medical schools in the UK:
As it names suggests, it is the 'old' way medicine is taught, your pre clinical years and clinical years are very clearly separated.You will first be taught the science through lectures,dissections/prosections,etc; and then in your later years you will then be taught the clinical side of medicine by being placed in hospitals.
2.Problem-Based Learning
Otherwise known as PBL.This is a relatvely new teaching method that originated from Canada(I think). It encourages early patient contact and teamwork. It will involve a lot of group works and possibly 'projects' and you are taught less often in lectures.
If traditional is one end and PBL is the other end of a scale , this method would be in the middle. You have early patient contact and you are also taught in lectures with minimal/no PBL.

You should consider which of these courses would suit your learning style the most and then consider applying to universities where you will enjoy the course!

Other things that you could possibly consider when applying would be :
1.Strength of research/Research opportunities?(Eg;Russell Group Universities?)
2.Facilities(is the school old/new?do they have a new medical building? How is their accommodation like?)
3.Location(how near to London do you need/want to be?)
4.Transport facilities(do they have good transport facilities?Newcastle, for example, has a metro)
5.Cost of living(A London university would be more expensive than a university somewhere more 'rural')
7.Type of university?(City/Campus based?)
8.Clubs and societies(Eg; volunteering opportunities? sports facilities?)
9.Proportion of international student accepted(if you are an international student)

I think this is all for now!

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